I am happy to report that not really a lot is happening with Anabelle right now... She has had her NG tube for 3 weeks now as of Thursday and I will weigh her again. So far she has been gaining a pound a week which has been fantastic (two pounds total)!! I think about a pound on me and it doesn't seem like much but on her it is much more! She looks great. She seems to be feeling a lot better! I'm going through WAY more diapers! She is babbling at me more which I love. It brings me joy just to hear her voice! Our fundraiser Cars for C.A.R.E has turned into so much more than we thought it would. We are in the process of turning into a non-profit charity so we can give to other families in need and make this thing a real business! Check out our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/carsforcareMLD Ronn and I are really excited for the Car Show in September! Also we got our dates for Anabelle's Make A Wish and we will be going to Orlando Florida from Aug 20-26 and will be going to Walt Disney World, Sea World and Wild Animal Kingdom! It's going to be so much fun. Just Ronn, Anabelle, and I will be taking the trip. We were really hoping to take all of our family but MAW just didn't have the budget for that. It's okay though because I know were going to make some great memories!! That is really all I've got on Anabelle's situation. Isn't it so great that my blog is only a paragraph long! However there is a lot on my heart... and if you head over to my new blog "A Mother's Heart" (www.anabellesmommy.blogspot.com ) I am going to start blogging more about what's on my mind for me personally. Thank you all for your kind words and endless support! "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing" 1Thessalonians 5:11
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