Friday, March 8, 2013

Quit telling me it's going to be okay...

I have a great support system. I have an awesome God, I have a husband who loves Anabelle and I like crazy, I have parents who moved from So Cal just to be with us, and I have a church family that has given me non stop support but somehow I still feel so alone. And everyone wants to tell me "Don't worry it's going to be okay" "There are so many worse things that could be wrong" "She is such a beautiful and strong girl. She will pull through." Now, I am not at all dissing any of those people for what they have said. Im sure I've said every one of those to myself or others and I know that they and I are only speaking from our hearts when we have no idea what else to say. And I believe all of those statements to be true. But sometimes I really wish someone would just hold me, let me cry, and tell me "this freaking sucks." Because it totally does. I have done a pretty good job of being a really brave mom for the past almost 6 months, and I have honestly felt pretty secure in the situation with Anabelle but this week has been rough. I've had about enough of things being wrong with her. Last thursday we took her to the ER because her eye was drifting towards her nose. Turns out she probably has strabismus (lazy eye) and will most likely need glasses (the appointment is on the 20th) also the Dr. wants to do an MRI just to rule out any big stuff like tumor or stroke. And to add on, today after talking with the OT she thinks Anabelle should have a barium swallow study done because she probabaly has low muscle tone in her throat muscles because of her CP (we noticed she was choking a lot and coughing after every drink). Also, we've had the AFOs two weeks and she still hates them. She can't stand on her own yet and most of the time wiggles her way out of them (and they are not as easy to put back on as one might think). I hate to complain because I know there are so many other things that could be wrong. And there are so many parents that are dealng with much worse than I am, but you know you grow up hoping yours isn't the weird kid, the geeky kid, the bad kid, or the just plain different kid. I ended up with a different kid. And I love her more than words can express and I only hurt because I want the best for her.


  1. Hi Alex, you don't know me but I'm a friend of your mom's....girl, go ahead and have a scream fest. No one can hold anything in all of the time. Being strong 24/7 is not go ahead and be pissed off at the unfairness and never fear that people would ever doubt your love for your daughter. I hope I am not out of line for speaking like that. Our prayers are still with you and family.

  2. It totally freaking sucks! Of course it could be worse- of course there are horrible things going on in this world that are way worse. BUT--- this is real. This is your life. This is your daughter. This sucks. I LOVE YOU!!!!

  3. Alex~I can't even begin to imagin what it is that you are going through! You are an amazing strong women and honestly crying is NOT a sign of weakness, it just means you have been strong for too long! I am praying for you and your family!!!!! Thank you for being so honest in your blog. Please keep the blog updated when you can... Like I said my family and I are praying!!!!

  4. To Alex and Ron that I am not going to tell you that its going to be ok but instead you have a difficult journey ahead of you may you find comfort in knowing that we are here for you and Anabelle and we are reaching out to you with compassion and love. From Mary Baligad.
